Five irresistible pieces that would fit perfectly in a modern loft apartment

Living in a loft apartment is a fun experience and gives you the ultimate blank canvas on which to express your individual style and personality. With few pillars or other obstructions, there is seemingly unlimited free space, so you can really put your own stamp on the place. But decorating a loft can sometimes be a daunting task – with so many design ideas out there, where exactly do you begin? Having a focal point can often be a good start and what could be better than a statement art piece to draw your attention and define the style of your apartment? We have selected five irresistible pieces that would fit perfectly in a sleek, modern loft apartment.

Dawn Surf Jellybowl by Jennifer West
If you’re looking for a bold, colorful statement piece then look no further than this selection of three prints from Jennifer West. These limited edition prints were reproduced following the display of her work in our ‘Out of Focus’ exhibition. Each one is a film still from her work under the same title which centers on the Pacific Northwest Coast. These vibrant, semi-abstract pieces really are inspirational. The scenes depicted transport each individual to a different time and place with the slightly out of focus quality of the colors and figures. With these prints you can really inject some mood and atmosphere into your apartment.


Untitled by Gert & Uwe Tobias
Go totally modern with this limited edition monochromatic lithographic print. Each one is individually hand printed on stone to create a stunning effect. This piece was produced in connection with Saatchi’s Gesamtkunstwerk: New Art from Germany exhibition and provides an excellent room focal point. It shows two heads in a dark light and exudes an almost ethereal aura. It undoubtedly makes a statement but the colors and flowing images allow this print to fit well with any design scheme.

Blue Planet by Marc Quinn
If you are going to decorate a loft apartment with statement pieces of art, they will ideally be genuinely compelling and thought provoking. Blue Planet by Marc Quinn definitely achieves this aim. It is a close-up photographic print of a real, human blue iris which in his own words is a ‘door of perception’. The special lens captures each and every vibrant color visible within the iris that are not visible to the naked eye. Vivid greens, reds, blues, oranges and yellows are meant to represent the brilliant interior tones of the body and fit perfectly in this representation of the ‘blue planet’.


Daydream by Joe Webb
This silkscreen print is a modern twist on a traditional romantic theme. Truly individual, these prints are hand cut and pasted and then gold leaf, Swarovski crystal studs, glazes and mirrored paper are incorporated into the collage whilst still maintaining a smooth and flowing overall effect. The print shows a young couple in a romantic embrace. The female protagonist exudes a wistful and far-away air evoking the feeling of a daydream which is further enhanced by the fact that the face of her love has been removed and instead blends into the cloud-filled background. This print is designed to explore feelings of romance and nostalgia and could be the perfect way to bring a personal touch to a modern apartment.


The Appointment by George Shaw
Loft design often uses vibrant colors to unleash the full potential that the space has to offer, but effective design also incorporates the classic simplicity that comes from monochromatic and linear effects. The same is true of modern art. The appointment by George Shaw is a Soft Ground Etching depicting a tree in the middle of a field – an everyday, familiar sight which will evoke different memories for each individual. However the techniques used in this piece make the view somewhat unrecognizable upon closer inspection as the images have been printed in reverse. A seemingly simple work at first glance, it is actually an extremely compelling piece that could be framed perfectly by the accommodating walls of a loft apartment.


To view these inspirational pieces and many more visit Saatchi – a reliable address to buy art online.

Loft (front image): ©Goodshoot/Thinkstock
Dawn Surf Jellybowl: ©Jennifer West
Blue Planet: ©Marc Quinn
Daydream: ©Joe Webb
The Appointment: ©George Shaw